… “that we might present every man complete in Christ” (Colossians 1:28).
234X (CBC Chapel) Jon Coats, Tad Helm
234X is a diverse group of individuals and families committed to discipleship and mission in the TownCenter region of Virginia Beach. On Sunday, we discuss a biblical passage for the purpose of learning how to appropriately interpret and apply scripture. During the week we seek to develop meaningful relationships with each other in order to learn what it means to follow Jesus in all of life and together to pursue to serve, love, and proclaim Christ to our neighbors around us.
Current Study: Gospel of Matthew
Challengers (E113) Mike Windsor
As our name indicates, we are eager to be challenged by the Word of God in a significant way. We gather on Sundays for the sake of sharing each others' burdens, praying together, and studying the Scriptures together. Our ABS class enjoys a close-knit fellowship during our class and throughout the week.
Current Study: OT Prophets
CrossLife (E119) Ben Jacob
CrossLife serves college students and young professionals. We emphasize finding our ultimate joy in living, displaying, and proclaiming the good news of the death and resurrection-life of Jesus Christ. We gather to study the Word and live in community together. Contact us at: CrossLife@cbvb.org.
Current Study: Daniel
Crossway (E213) Kyle Dunham
The Crossway class is an inter-generational adult class focused on interactive expository Bible teaching and close-knit fellowship.
Current Study: A Biblical Theology of Holy War
Encouragers (E110) Kareen Lehner
The Encouragers is a ladies’ elective class that introduces a new study every four months. The goal of these studies is to increase our knowledge of God and His will for our lives.
Current Study: Attributes of God
FaithBuilders (E122) Ben Caprio, David Tise
The FaithBuilders class is a diverse group of people committed to studying the Scriptures together while caring for each other throughout the week. Our class is marked by great discussions and class participation during our time together.
Current Study: "You Can Change" by Tim Chester
FamilyBuilders (E109) Billy Cannon, Mike Lander, Eric Lehner
The Family Builders' primary desire is to edify families (with or without children in the home) in such a way as to display the glory of God both inside and outside the church. We strive to build strong community and minister to both physical and spiritual needs of our class through the study of God’s Word and times of fellowship.
Current Study: I Kings
GraceLife (E107) Ulys White
The words Grace and Life are combined to describe the foundation that our class rests upon (Jn 17:23). We strive for daily, gospel-centered interactions with one another, so through the week our hearts are knit together by living everyday-life for the glory of God.
Current Study: Gospel of Luke
HomeBuilders (E108) Gary Whitelam
The Homebuilders Class has as its primary objective the systematic study of God's Word. Through study, teaching, and interactive discussion we seek to apply God's Word to practical life situations and to develop a spirit of community among our members.
Current Study: Gospel of Luke
PathFinders (E120) Gary Bryant
The Pathfinders is class comprised of couples from all walks of life engaged in challenging one another to walk the path of righteousness and to train our children to be followers of Christ. This is a close, interactive, and supportive class.
Current Study: Acts
TruthSeekers (E216) Glenn Weaver
The TruthSeekers Class takes a serious look at Bible book studies. We discuss the tough issues raised in the Bible text and work together to understand and apply the Scriptures to life. Questions raised throughout the class keep class involvement high for better understanding and application.
Current Study: Deuteronomy